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Yoga United: Reaching Beyond Differences

Universal in its applications, Yoga means “Union”. It is a practice that reaches beyond differences, revealing the similarities of our souls outside the limits of race, gender, social endeavors or religious beliefs. Yoga addresses our differences as opportunities to expand our horizons, revealing a path towards complete transformation of the human being, on all its levels of manifestation.

Yoga has something to offer to everyone – from physical conditioning, mental and emotional balance, to climbing the peaks of spiritual realization.

This is a unique opportunity to unite in the spirit of yoga, through a universal event occurring on June 21st each year, starting with 2015.

The International Day of Yoga – each year on June 21st

On December 11th, 2014 the United Nations adopted a resolution (co-sponsored by more than 170 Member States) to commemorate the International Day of Yoga.

As coordinator of Yoga United, ATMAN – The International Federation of Yoga and Meditation invited people and all yoga schools worldwide to join in love, acceptance and spiritual union in celebration of the first International Yoga Day in 2015, which coincided with the Solstice on Sunday June 21st 2015.

Spiritual activities performed in unison worldwide with very large groups are a staple of ATMAN engagement towards boosting the spiritual evolution of humanity. As proven by scientific studies (see Global Consciousness Project of Princeton University), this type of united action can have a massive impact upon the energetic ambiance of our planet. Researchers from ATMAN participated in tests that have used Random Event Generators to demonstrate the global effect of unison yoga practice and meditations.

Most of the ATMAN schools operating in 35 countries across the globe will participate. Experienced yogis and newcomers are all welcome to join in community events. Our united action makes a difference.

ATMAN – The International Federation of Yoga and Meditation


The International Federation of Yoga and Meditation – ATMAN aims to present and promote yoga in its traditional forms, teaching not only physical techniques, but also its essential esoteric principles.

Yoga is an accurate science of personal development with the power to positively transform every aspect of your life.

ATMAN believes that yoga is not and cannot be a sport. It is much more than a “get fit” method. Because its techniques are natural, appropriate for our structure, logical and very effective, they can be practiced by anyone, irrespective of age, beliefs, religion, convictions, social status and adapted to physical health.

Authentic yoga practice can lead to a complete transformation of the human being. Yoga teaches that life is much more than a sum of coincidences, and that you truly are the master of your destiny.

ATMAN celebrates the unity of science and spirituality. With immediate practical application, its curriculum comprehensively melds the teachings of traditional yoga with genuine spiritual paths worldwide. This real spiritual science is communicated through an all-encompassing system that promotes true sacred values for the benefit of mankind.

The ATMAN spiritual method has been applied with great results by tens of thousands of people worldwide. Scientific, progressive and founded in the deepest spiritual tradition of our planet, this method is easy to approach for modern people and leads to a profound spiritual transformation of the one who perseveres.

» More about ATMAN – The International Federation of Yoga and Meditation

We need to change our lifestyles. Energy not consumed is the cleanest energy. We can achieve the same level of development, prosperity and well being without necessarily going down the path of reckless consumption. It doesn’t mean that economies will suffer; it will mean that our economies will take on a different character. Yoga embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change and more.

Narendra Modi (Prime Minister of India)

Qatar also recognizes the health benefits of yoga practice.

Alanoud Qassim M. A. Al-Temimi (representative in NY for Qatar)

Commercialized forms must stay true to traditional yoga, noting that it was important to realize yoga as a long-term approach to enhancing health.

Durga Prasad Bhattarai (representative in NY for Nepal)

The International Day of Yoga should not only promote health and evolution, but also clarity of vision and action.  That, in turn, could help prevent contradictions, which often generated confusion while making rules and promoting laws.  The Day should be fully supported and yoga should become a part of daily life for all.

Angelo Antonio Toriello (representative in NY for Sao Tome and Principe)

The practice of Yoga has a holistic effect.  As the world struggles with challenges of modern life, yoga could achieve a needed balance.  I hope the intrinsic beauty of yoga would not be diluted by sheer commercialization in Western countries.

Palitha T. B. Kohona (representative in NY for Sri Lanka)

The International Day of Yoga shall bring attention to yoga’s holistic benefits.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Yoga can contribute to resilience against non-communicable diseases.

Yoga can bring communities together in an inclusive manner that generates respect.

Yoga can contribute to development and peace. It can even help people in emergency situations to find relief from stress.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon